Heavy/Civil Portfolio

Q&D’s Heavy/Civil group embodies a deep commitment to community stewardship, engaging with the public daily and representing our clients with a friendly approach with a focus on infrastructure projects, including the construction and maintenance of bridges, parks, roads, sewer systems, reservoirs, and more.

The Q&D Way

At Q&D, Heavy/Civil Group is committed to serving as stewards of the community by ensuring that residents, travelers, and local businesses are well-informed and capable of moving seamlessly to their destinations. We carefully consider scheduling, phasing, engineering and material constraints, making the necessary adjustments in order to get the community back to business as quickly as possible.


5 Ridges Master-Planned Community

5 Ridges Housing Development The ongoing development of the 5 Ridges master planned community stakes claim to one of the largest dirt spreads in the Reno-Sparks area. Through the completion of Phase I, Q&D Construction has moved more than 3 million yards of dirt. The new housing community will be home to between 1,200 and… Read more »

Parr Blvd. Bridge Replacement

NDOT Parr-Dandini Bridge Replacement The Parr/Dandini bridge above US-395 serves as the traffic hub for Truckee Meadows Community College and the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. A 48-year-old bridge deck combined with the city’s population hikes forced the replacement of the structure to ensure its stability for years to come. This proposed $8 million project by… Read more »

NDOT Spaghetti Bowl Xpress (SBX)

From NDOT: “Known as Spaghetti Bowl Xpress, the first phase of spaghetti bowl renovations will restripe eastbound Interstate 80 lanes between Wells Avenue and the Spaghetti Bowl and widen the eastbound I-80 to southbound I-580 Spaghetti Bowl ramp to two lanes. Auxiliary merge lanes and improved ramps will also be added on southbound I-580 between… Read more »

Procter Hug High School

Q&D was contracted to perform the earthwork and utilities scopes for the site and buildings, site concrete, building concrete, and asphalt paving required to turn 88 acres of the old Wildcreek Golf Course into the new Procter Hug High School. In the building footprint Q&D crews over-excavated for the foundations and slabs, placed structural material… Read more »

Echo Summit Bridge Replacement

“Why would anyone bid this? This is ridiculous!” said one of Q&D’s superintendents on arriving for the pre-bid site walk led by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in late 2018. It was difficult not to see that as an omen when looking down the 900-foot drop-off beneath the Echo Summit Sidehill Viaduct. Folks were... Read more »

Farad Ditch Slope Stabilization

This Caltrans project encompassed the removal of over 100,000 cubic yards of material to provide a flatter, safer slope for the traveling public. The existing catch ditch was expanded to allow for more rockfall capacity and the slope was increased from a 1:1 to a 1.5:1 along this 1,600-foot section of roadway. Permanent erosion control… Read more »

Sparks Boulevard Natural Gas Pipeline

This 4,500-lineal-foot, 18-inch natural gas pipeline project ran parallel to a highly congested arterial road. Coordination with local entities and traffic control allowed the project to be completed in 8 weeks including replacement of asphalt bike path and landscaping. The project included two slick bores under a drainage.

Helm Pipeline

To build this 8 miles of 6-inch steel natural gas pipeline construction, crews routed the pipeline under two existing water conveyance systems, two Caltrans highway crossings and one water pipeline crossing - all using directional borings. Most of the work was constructed beside existing roadways - CA Highway 145, local dirt roads, and paved county... Read more »

I-80 Keystone to State Line

I-80 is one of the heaviest traveled routes in Northern Nevada. It includes a high percentage of truck and tourist traffic. This project was 12-miles in length and had a combination of urban and semi-rural interstate conditions with the eastern limits of the project including traffic control in downtown Reno, while the western limit involved... Read more »

North Truckee Drain Realignment

The award-winning North Truckee Drain Realignment project is part of a larger, multi-community strategy to mitigate flooding along the Truckee River and its tributary rivers and streams. Led by the City of Sparks, Nevada, this part of the project was designed, in cooperation with local, state and federal stakeholders, to reverse the previous river channelization… Read more »

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