Lake Almanor Bridge Demolition

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lake almanor bridge demolition The demo is complete for the Caltrans Lake Almanor Spillway Bridge Replacement project! The bridge crosses the overflow spillway of the Lake Almanor Dam. The existing bridge is a conventionally reinforced concrete box girder bridge and the overall dimensions of the bridge structure is 467 feet long, 34 feet wide, and 25 feet tall. This… Read more »

University Arts Tops Out

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unr tops out arts building What an exciting milestone for the University of Nevada, Reno! The University Arts Building project team celebrated a topping out ceremony. A topping out is held for the placement of the last piece of steel on a project – symbolizing the moment when the project takes the shape of its ultimate design. Members of the… Read more »

OSU Service Learning Trip to Puerto Rico

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kenneth semenko osu helps puerto rico Thirty two Oregon State University students from a range of different majors, including Q&D’s former construction intern Kenneth Semenko, spent their spring break in San Sebastián, Puerto Rico helping residents rebuild their communities which are still recovering after 2017’s devastating hurricane. Thank you all for making a difference!


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garett jackson promotion Q&D would like to congratulate Garett Jackson on being promoted to General Superintendent of the Building Group! In this new position, Garett’s strong experience, work ethic and construction expertise will strengthen our organization going forward and provide us with the excellence in field leadership that is the long-standing tradition at Q&D. Mr. Jackson joined Q&D… Read more »