From NDOT: I-80 Carlin Tunnels Lighting System to Be Featured on Discovery Channel
CARSON CITY, Nev. – The innovative lighting system which reduces energy use and improves traveler safety in the Interstate 80 Carlin Tunnels will be featured on the Discovery Channel this Friday, June 17 at 7:30 am.
Carlin Tunnels Lighting System
The Innovations with Ed Begley, Jr. show will feature the tunnels’ state-of-the-art lighting system which the Nevada Department of Transportation installed in 2014 as part of the Carlin Tunnels Improvement Project. The first such system to be used in a freeway tunnel in North America, the lighting system automatically and gradually dims or brightens lighting to match outside lighting conditions, instead of maintaining one consistent light level in the day and night. By more closely matching the outside light, the lighting system makes it easier for drivers’ eyes to adjust while traveling in the tunnel, ultimately improving driver visibility and safety.
Using 774 LED luminaires, as opposed to the previous 1,219 high pressure sodium luminaires, the system is also much more environmentally and budget friendly. Over the next 20 years, the lighting system is anticipated to save more than 9 million dollars in maintenance and replacement costs.
Lighting System Was Installed As Part of NDOT Carlin Tunnels Improvement Project
Completed in October 2014, NDOT’s Carlin Tunnels Improvement project revitalized nearly three miles of I-80 through the Carlin Canyon. The roadbed leading up to and through the Carlin Tunnels was reconstructed, including enhanced roadway drainage and new concrete pavement near the tunnel entrances. Tunnel lighting was renovated with an innovative LED tunnel lighting system to improve driver visibility by gradually dimming or brightening lighting to match outside conditions. The project also enhanced and retrofitted eight bridges and improved intelligent transportation systems such as tunnel monitoring cameras and ice warning system.
The approximately $31 million project by Q&D Construction utilized the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) construction method to expedite project construction and find construction efficiencies by allowing the contractor to be involved in project design. In total, the construction method is estimated to have reduced the project timeframe from 24 to 16 months of construction. More than 7,000 vehicles travel I-80 through the tunnels daily.
Nyx Hemera’s Tunnel Lighting Addressable Control System (TLAC)
Nyx Hemera Technologies produced the lighting system. The company uses cutting-edge technologies in its Tunnel Lighting Addressable Control System (TLACS) to intelligently control luminaires in road tunnels. Nyx Hemera Technologies markets the TLACS worldwide for tunnel refurbishing projects as well as new tunnels. The solution is already installed in tunnels in Singapore, Spain, Qatar, Peru, USA and Canada with LED and HPS lighting systems.
Read more about this project on Q&D’s website.