Q&D’s diverging diamond project earns ENR award

Q&D’s diverging diamond project earns ENR award

Northern Nevada’s second-ever Diverging Diamond Interchange alleviated the North Valley’s busiest intersection without fully closing the road during construction—a first for the region’s DDI projects. Two primary components occupied nearly one year of work: widening Lemmon Drive from 4 to 6 lanes; and reconfiguration of the US 395 / Lemmon Drive interchange to a
Diverging Diamond.

The finished project earned Q&D Construction a 2023 Southwest Region Award of Merit in ENR’s Highway/Bridge category.

In less than six months our Q&D team completed 35,000 cubic yards of excavation, 22 feet of widening and full-depth reconstruction of the one-mile stretch of roadway. Crews even worked through an approved winter suspension to accelerate project delivery.

Despite the narrow working conditions, the DDI was built in only three months while maintaining one lane of traffic in each direction. Concrete crews placed 14,582 lineal feet of curb and gutter in the DDI alone (18,000 LF total) and 62,651 square feet of sidewalk across the project.

A marathon 48-hour shutdown signaled the project’s end as paving crews placed the final piece of the roadway, bringing the total to more than 21,000 tons of asphalt. The new configuration opened to the public on June 26—four months ahead of schedule.

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